Private Sector Support in Formulating Policies on RE Planning

So as, RECON realizes that private sector engaged in supply and services is an important player and is in need of wider cooperation from other stakeholders to enable it to perform at its best. Policies, therefore are in dire need of improvement to address sector anomalies that discourage private sector engagement.

The workshop was participated in by professionals, entrepreneurs, academia, media and organisations involved in RE promotion activities with the view to create access of modern energy to all people including those who are lagged behind by social, economic and other reasons. Academia, experts, professionals and stakeholders had participated in the workshop and consultative meetings to prepare the document.

Prof. Dr. Jagannath Shrestha, Mr. Devendra Adhikari, Mr. Balaram Shrestha, Mr. Subarna Prasad Kapali, Mr. Gokul Gautam, Mr. Bhola Shrestha, Mr. Narayan Gyawali, Mr. Kiran Gautam, Ms. Bindu Manandhar, Mr. K. R. Khanal, Mr. Kushal Gurung and others mentioned the benefits of suggestions they put off. Likewise Mr. Narayan Gyawali, Mr. Bhola Shrestha, Ms. Bindu Manandhar, Mr. Kiran Gautam, Mr. Krishna Prasad Devkota Mr. Kushal Gurung, Mr. K.R. Khanal also expressed their views.

The workshop and meetings organised by RECON to collect views and opinions of the private sector stakeholders, prepared the document to submit to NPC was a part of Green and Inclusive Energy Programme (GIE Nepal Project). The GIE Nepal Project is supported by Hivoc and ENERGIA. RECON is a part of consortium of GIE Nepal Project lead by Centre for Rural Technologies.

RECON Chairperson, on Sunday June 9, 2019  had handed over the document prepared incorporating the opinions and views of private sector in the implementation of the plans with gender and inclusiveness to Vice Chairman of National Planning Commission Prof. Dr. Pushpa Raj Kandel amidst a brief meeting at the VC's Office in Singh Durbar, Kathmandu. Receiving the document he assured that the suggestions will be taken into due consideration.